Thursday 5 February 2015

Idea Creation

Idea Creation

Idea 1 –

My first idea is to promote a beauty salon by making a promo video for their Facebook page or website. I will be making the film for the salon / manager of the business and it will be aim mainly at girl / women 15 years + who are wanting treatments such as facials, nails, haircuts and other beauty treatments, however the salon also offers treatments and hair cuts for men. I will be highlighting the treatments and services the salon provide the customers and the great value and quality of the salon. I plan to style my video with a mixture of video collage of the treatments and interview style video. I will cut from the collage to interview and have the interviewee speaking over some of the collage.

Idea 2 –

My second idea is to promote a small dance company. I will make a video to be put on either their website or social media webpage. The film will be made for the company’s manager and will be aimed at girls and boys aged 2+ who have a passion to dance or are looking for a new hobby to be involved in. I will be promoting what the company has to offer and what areas of dance the company covers such as ballet, tap, jazz and contemporary. I plan on styling this promo video with a bit of video collage and interview. I will cut between shots and have video footage of the dancers and facilities the company offers.

Idea 3 –

My third Idea is to do a promo video for a school promoting the school. The client I will be working for would be the head teacher of the school. The promo video that would be made to be put on their website to promote the school will be aimed at pupils from first schools and their parents to show the what the school has to offer. I plan on using video collage as the style structure of my video. I hope to film he children learning and interacting at school in all subjects.

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