Friday 24 April 2015

Ofcom Regulations


When creating a media product , it's important to make sure that the final project will comply by all regulations.

Broadcasting Code - 

 I decided to look into Ofcom and their Broadcasting Code. I am not intending to broadcast my video on television but these regulations will give me a guideline on the correct approach to sensitive issues such as rasism or offencive language.

Section 1 - 'Protecting the Under-Eighteens'

There shouldntbe any issues or problems with my video related to this section of the code as it doesn't fall under any of the following categories :
  • Drugs, smoking, solvents and alcohol
  • Exorcism, the occult or the paranormal
  • Violence and dangerous behaviour
  • Offensive language
  • Nudity

'The involvement of under-eighteens in a programme' have specific rules that must be followed -
"1.28 Due care must be taken over the physical and emotional welfare and the dignity of people under eighteen who take part or are otherwise involved in programmes. This is irrespective of any consent given by the participant of by a parent, guardian or other person over the age of eighteen in loco parentis.
1.29 People under eighteen must not be caused unnecessary distress or anxiety by their involvement in programmes or by the broadcast of these programmes."
I think I have followed these regulations as all members of the public and staff involved in the video have written consent or signed a release form to appear in the video.

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