Friday 24 April 2015



My opinion

Personally I am happy with my final outcome. I am pleased with the way it all fitted together and that it was what my client wanted. Though the project I have faced different challenges such as the camera lens fogging up from the hairdryers on my first shoot. I had to overcome this and find a way to shoot someone having there hair dried with out the lens fogging up.  Also had problems uploading images to my blog and had to find a way to upload my images however I found a way around the problems I came across and have produced a promotional video for a beauty salon that I am very pleased with.

The Impact of my project.

I think my video will have a good impact on the salon I was aiming on promotion because they have a big social media based group of clients and are putting my video on their Facebook page. My client said she is looking forward to making more people aware of her business and is hoping that people who like her Facebook page ill share the video and that their friends will share it etc. she also said it will be helpful when they go to events as they can show it on a TV screen behind their stall making them look like a more professional business and giving people information about the services they offer without people having to ask.

Technical qualities

My video has several technique qualities. One if the main technique qualities my video has is the sound. I spent a couple of lesson making sure the sound levels where right and that when someone was talking the music wasnt too loud. I also used a few effect to brighten some of my clips and make them more appealing to the human eye. Title is another technical quality in my video. I add 4 or 5 different titles so my video such as beginning title, interview banners and end title.

Aesthetic qualities

In my video I used uplifting music so that my video would have a happy, friendly vibe to it making customers want to come to the salon and book a treatment. I also filmed the footage in the salon and used the purple and white colour scheme to give the video a relax feel to it as the salon is a very relaxing and clam place to be. I also used several different shots and angles when shooting my clips so that the viewer wouldnt get bored and so that the viewer would be able to see as much of the salon and types of treatments the salon offered as possible.

Did i achieve my aim?

Personally I feel I achieved what I aimed to do as I wanted to create a promotional video for a beauty and hair salon, which was interesting and informative. Although I would have liked to include more treatments that the salon offer to the pubic the video would have been too long and due to the salon being a running business, when I was at the salon filming some of the treatments where not booked in to be given on that day. In conclusion I am happy with my final outcome and hope it helps the salon promote themselves .

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